毒素:消化火的对立面│Ama: The Antithesis of Agni

In Ayurveda, the concept of fire, or agni,is of central importance. In fact, the strength of agni in the body is among the most critical factors in determining overall health. By contrast, ama is a toxic, disease causing substance that forms as a result of impaired agni, and that, in turn, destroys agni. In this way, impaired agni and the creation of ama routinely enter into a vicious and self-perpetuating cycle. Unfortunately,the accumulation of ama is extremely detrimental to our health; it can lead to all kinds of imbalances and is a causative factor in any number of diseases. As a result, understanding ama as the antithesis of agni—learning what it is exactly, how to recognize it, how to rid the body of it, and how to kindle agni in its place—can be a very helpful step in the journey toward optimal health.
What is ama

Ama is a Sanskrit word that translates literally to mean things like “unripe,” “uncooked,” “raw,” “immature,” or “undigested.”Essentially,it is a form of un-metabolized waste that cannot be utilized by the body. To some degree, the formation of small amounts of ama is a normal part of the digestive process, provided it is efficiently removed. But when it is not regularly cleared and eliminated, ama becomes hugely problematic. In fact, amais said to be the root cause of all disease, and amaya, a Sanskrit word for disease literally means “that which is born out of ama.”The connection between ama and the disease process makes perfect sense because the qualities of ama are in direct opposition to those of agni. And remember, strong agni is essential to the maintenance of proper health. In other words, when agni is compromised and when ama accumulates, our health suffers, and the two situations are mutually reinforcing.

The qualities of agni and ama illustrate their perfect opposition to one another.
Agni is 火是
Ama is 毒素是
Hot 热
Cold 冷
Sharp 尖锐
Dull 迟钝
Light 轻
Heavy 重
Dry 干
Oily, Viscous, and Wet 油腻、粘连、湿润
Subtle 精微
Gross 粗糙
Clear 清澈
Sticky, Slimy 粘的、黏滑的
Spreading 传输
Stable, Stagnant 稳定、停滞
Fragrant 芳香
Foul Smelling 污臭

Is it Really that Bad

Ama is fairly easy to clear from the digestive tract, but once it spreads into the deeper tissues, it becomes much more difficult to eliminate. As ama accumulates in the body, it inevitably clogs the channels of the body(srotamsi) and disrupts tissue nutrition. This alone is problematic, but ama can disturb physiological processes at the cellular level as well. When ama finds its way into the deeper tissues, it coats and clogs individual cell membranes—inhibiting cellular communication and weakening the immune response. This eventually leads to a loss of intelligence at the cellular level, which can cause much more serious diseases such as autoimmune disorders, or cancer.


Signs & Symptoms of Ama
Generalized signs and symptoms of ama in the body include: 

Clogging of the channels (may cause symptoms like sinus congestion, lymph congestion, constipation, fibrocystic changes,etc.)






Abnormal flow of vata (there are many ways this can manifest in the body, but examples include excess upward moving energy causing heart burn or excess downward moving energy causing diarrhea)






Abnormal taste, muted taste, or poor appetite


Sexual debility


Mental confusion


Feeling unclean


Depending on where ama is in the body, it can cause more specific signs and symptoms such as a thick coating on the tongue,all kinds of congestion, loss of strength, dull eyes, skin blemishes, fevers,excess weight, poor circulation, edema and swelling, stiffness or inhibited movement, soreness at the roots of the hair, or generalized aches and pains. In the digestive tract, ama tends to cause changes taste perception, loss of appetite, indigestion, malabsorption, vitamin and mineral deficiencies,bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhea, sticky stools, or itching at the anus. Ama is also often responsible for foul smelling breath, mucus, urine, and stools. Mentally and emotionally, ama leads to a distinct lack of energy and enthusiasm, low selfesteem, anxiety, worry, depression, fear of the unknown, a foggy mind, and unclear thinking.
Modern diseases that are a direct result of ama accumulation include:
Atherosclerosis 动脉粥样硬化
Candida albicans  overgrowths 白色念珠菌过度生长
Elevated blood sugar 高血糖
Blood urea 血尿素
Late-onset diabetes 迟发性糖尿病
Gout 痛风
Some types of  depression 一些类型的抑郁症
Gall stones 胆囊结石
Rheumatoid factor 类风湿因子
Kidney stones 肾结石
Elevated Immunoglobulin  E高免疫球蛋白E
Increased liver enzymes 肝酶增加
Helicopylori bacteria 细菌
Glaucoma 青光眼
Leukocytosis 白血球增多
Fevers 发烧
Excess red blood cell  count 红细胞过多
Bacterial infections 细菌感染
Excess platelet count 血小板数过多
Tumors 肿瘤

The causes of Ama

There are any number of reasons that ama can begin to accumulate in the body, but impaired agni is always a piece of the puzzle. And because ama itself disturbs agni, it can sometimes be difficult to tease out which came first. In reality, it doesn’t matter. Habits that disrupt agni can often be implicated in the formation of ama. Likewise, habits that contribute to the formation of ama will disturb agni. Here are some examples of such habits:

A poor diet, which might involve:


Overeating or emotional eating


Improper food combinations


Especially heavy food


Fried food


Excess amounts of cold or raw foods


Highly processed or sugary foods


An excess of the sweet, sour, or salty tastes


 A detrimental lifestyle (e.g. high stress,excess or inadequate sleep, lack of routine, excessive or inadequate exercise,etc.)


Irregular eating habits


Sleeping or eating before food is digested


Sleeping during the day (for some constitutions)


Lack of exercise


Repressed or unresolved emotions


In Ayurveda, removing the cause of an imbalanceis always one of the first steps in the line of treatment. While the exact cause in your case may not be entirely obvious to you, an Ayurvedic practitioner can help you to identify and redirect any aspects of your life that may be compromising your health. In the meantime, the following suggestions will be helpful.

General supportfor digesting & eliminating Ama

Fortunately, there are a number of ways to encourage the body to digest ama and eliminate it from the body. The following strategies support the body’s natural, physiological detoxification process. Ultimately, they bolster the digestive capacity, improve tissue nutrition, and help to eliminate ama via the urine, feces, and sweat.

Therapeutic herbs 草药治疗

Herbal support is often indicated when the agni is strong enough to produce an appetite, but not strong enough to completely digest the food, resulting in the formation of ama. The bitter and astringent tastes are a powerful combination because the bitter taste dries and drains ama, while the pungent taste destroys and digests it. This is a common flavor combination in herbs and formulas widely used to digest ama.


Ayurveda reveres a surprising number of herbs for their ability to digest and eliminate ama. Often, they are the same herbs that are taken before meals to kindle the digestive fire, but they are taken after meals, in significantly larger doses. In this way, the herbs themselves serve as a source of fuel to fan the impaired digestive fire. Obviously, the appropriate combination of ama-reducing herbs depends on the context of each individual and should be determined by a qualified practitioner. Special care should be taken in cases of high pitta or severe inflammatory conditions (e.g.ulcers) because herbs that digest ama also tend to be quite hot and can further aggravate the situation. It is also worth noting that many of these herbs are common household spices like fresh and dried ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, mustard seed, garlic, cumin, black pepper, fennel, and coriander.

Sweating 出汗

Warming the body and inducing a gentle sweat thins ama, loosens its grip on the tissues, and helps to move it toward the digestive tract, making it easier to eliminate. So whether this is accomplished with a gentle steam bath, a sauna, or appropriate exercise, sweating can be tremendously helpful. However, take care if pitta is high, as too much heat and sweating can inadvertently aggravate pitta and trigger additional imbalances.

Sun bathing 阳光浴

While we certainly need to be particular about when and for how long our skin is exposed to direct sunlight, appropriate doses of sunlight increase lightness, kindle agni, and are especially good for certain types of eczema, psoriasis, arthritis, depression, and water retention. For some, just 10 minutes of morning or evening sunlight is enough; others can easily tolerate 40 minutes. Special care should be taken not to receive too much sun, and this is especially important in fair-skinned pitta types, who will tolerate the least amount of sunlight. For these types, moon bathing might actually be more balancing.
当我们的皮肤暴露在阳光直射下时,我们当然需要讲究什么时间和多长时间,适量阳光增强亮度,点燃消化火,尤其适合某些类型的湿疹、银屑病关节炎、抑郁和保持水分。对一些人来说, 早上或晚上仅10分钟阳光就够了,别人可以轻易容忍40分钟。应特别注意不要暴晒太多阳光,这对于皮肤白皙的皮塔类型是特别重要的,他们只能忍受少量阳光,对于这些类型的人,月光浴可能会更加平衡。

Receiving Prana 接收生命之气

Prana, the vital breath, is the subtle essence of the life force that animates each of us. It infuses every cell and tissue through out our bodies. It is carried on and stimulated by the breath. Imbibing prana is very helpful in digesting and eliminating ama. There are a number of effective ways to bathe our tissues in fresh prana. These practices are especially good for asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, anxiety, fear, the nervous system as a whole, and the mind. The simplest method is to spend some time in nature and either take several deep, relaxed breaths into the belly, or go for a relaxed, enjoyable hike. Pranayama—either indoors or out of doors (as long as it is not excessively windy)—is another powerful way to infuse the mind-body organism with prana. Beginning practices that are appropriate for most any one include Full Yogic Breath, Ujjayi (Breath of Victory), and Nadi Shodhana (Alternate Nostril Breathing).
Prana是生命之气,是赋予我们每个人生命力量的微妙精华,它渗透到身体的每个细胞和组织中,它是通过呼吸来进行和刺激的。吸入生命之气有助于消化和排除毒素。有许多有效的方法可以将我们的组织浸润在新鲜的普拉那气中,这些练习对哮喘、支气管炎、肺气肿、焦虑、恐惧、整个神经系统和心智特别有效。最简单的方法是花点时间在大自然中,放松地深呼吸几下,或者来一次轻松愉快的徒步旅行。无论是室内还是室外的调息练习(只要风不太大)是另一种将普拉那注入身心有机体的有效方法。对于大多数人来说,最适合的初始练习包括完全瑜伽呼吸Full Yogic Breath)、成功式呼吸(Ujjayi)和交替鼻孔呼吸(Nadi Shodhana)。

Yoga 瑜伽

Yoga is similarly beneficial because it awakens prana through out the body, warms the body, usually induces a mild sweat, helps to stretch nd wring out tissues that may be storing accumulated ama, and calms the mind. While the most balancing style of yoga may vary from one person to the next, just 10–20 minutes of yoga per day can be remarkably transformative.
瑜伽同样有益,因为它能唤醒普拉那流经整个身体,温暖身体,通常会引起轻微的出汗,帮助拉伸和扭转组织里可能储存的毒素,并使心智平静。虽然最平衡的瑜伽类型因人而异,但每天10 - 20分钟的瑜伽就能带来翻天覆地的变化。

Diet 膳食

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