38亿年世界最古老阿鲁纳恰拉圣山|Arunachala 3.8 billions years oldest holy spot















印度教的主要节日(Navaratri, Shivaratri, Aridhra)皆源于此地。





宇航员第一次飞向月球时,他们看到了这个地方在Karthigai Deepam节日期间所散发出的灿烂光芒。



《梨俱吠陀》(世界上最古老的经文)是阿鲁纳恰拉圣山荣耀的最早记录。阿鲁纳恰拉圣山的伟大也许可以从另一部古印度经文《斯堪达往世书》(Skanda Purana)的这些句子得到最权威的总结:









湿婆神决定解决这个问题,他创造了一个无穷无尽的光柱,并向他们两人提出挑战,要求他们找到光柱的顶部或底部。毗湿奴神化身为野猪,向下挖掘寻找底部;梵天神化身为天鹅,向上飞翔寻找顶部。毗湿奴神没有成功,他回来承认失败了。但是,梵天神遇到了一朵露兜树花飘下,他安排这朵露兜树花作伪证,说他看到了光柱顶部。湿婆神宣布梵天说谎,并命令从今以后世人将不再为梵天神建造寺庙(直到今天仍然如此),湿婆神还禁止在对自己的崇拜中使用露兜树花。在Karthagai Deepam节日期间,主湿婆的光柱由阿鲁纳恰拉圣山顶部的火焰来代表。








阿鲁纳恰拉圣山的出现反映了印度宇宙学中的时代(yugas)定义。《阿鲁纳恰那往世书》说:在萨提亚时代(Satya Yuga),此山是一个光柱;在克力塔时代(Krita Yuga),此山由火构成,因此它变成了火山(Aruna是火的意思);在特塔时代(Tretha Yuga),它是一座宝石山;在迪瓦帕拉时代(Dvapara Yuga),它是一座青铜山;现在到了卡利时代(Kali Yuga),它变成了一座石头山。


拉玛那·马哈希(Ramana Maharshi)非常确定在地球的另一边,即在阿鲁纳恰拉圣山的正反面,有一座对应的圣山。正如室利·拉玛那所指出的,在秘鲁轴心的另一端确实有一座圣山,印加人崇拜这座山,并在那里建立了一个非常神圣的灵性之都——马丘比丘。自1983年以来,它一直是联合国教科文组织确认的世界遗产。虽然它在地理上可能不位于阿鲁纳恰拉圣山的正反面,必须要提的是,这种期望是不合理的,因为地球不是一个精确的球体。



右绕(Pradakshina)是印度教的一种古老的礼拜仪式,人们沿着顺时针方向绕着一个神圣地方或物体(寺庙、神龛、神像等)转动。当一个人站在一个地方或物体的前面时,他也可以转动其身体。Giripradakshina或Girivalam (在泰米尔语中)指以这种方式沿着阿鲁纳恰拉圣山转山(大约9英里/14公里)。经文向我们保证,此山实际上是湿婆神本尊。








在非常罕见的情况下,你可能会看到奉献者在阿鲁纳恰拉圣山路上打滚,而非步行转山,这称为滚山(Anga Pradakshina)。转山环线传统上是从城里的大阿鲁纳恰拉斯瓦那神庙开始。拉玛那·马哈希的信徒通常从室利·拉玛那修道院开始。你可以从任何其他地方开始转山,只要你在同一个地方结束即可。沿途有路标标明环线所经过的距离,该距离指从阿鲁纳恰拉斯瓦那神庙开始。转山可以在白天或晚上任何时间开始,通常在早上或晚上开始,以避免炎热的太阳。


圣贤们建议信徒们在转山期间要么保持沉默,要么唱诵。你也应该从八尊阿什塔林伽(Ashta Lingam)所代表的八方的每个方向向圣山鞠躬。






















About Arunachala

The mountain Arunachala (termed the “Holy Hill” by many,since it is only 2682 feet high) in Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu state, South India, is one of the oldest and most sacred holy places associated with Lord Shiva in India. It has been attracting seekers of truth from time immemorial due to its deep mystical quality and timeless spiritual resplendence. This mountain represents a fairly unique phenomenon in spirituality; that of people worshipping a mountain.


Each of the spiritual centers of India has its own characterand line of tradition. Among them all it is Tiruvannamalai (Arunachala)that represents the most direct, the most formless and the least ritualistic of paths, the path of Self-enquiry, whose gateway is silent initiation. This is expressed in the old Tamil saying: “To see Chidambaram, to be born at Tiruvarur, to die at Banaras or even to think of Arunachala is to be assured of Liberation.” “Even to think of” because in the case of the direct path physical contact is not necessary. Hence, it was no accident that the Maharshi madeTiruvannamalai and its sacred Arunachala Mountain his home.


The Maharshi called Arunachala the spiritual Heart of the world. Aruna, which means ‘red, bright like fire’, does not signify the merefire that gives off heat. Rather, it means Jnanagni, the Fire of Wisdom,which is neither hot nor cold. Achala signifies hill. Thus, Arunachala means‘Hill of Wisdom’.


Spiritual significance

The following summarizes some of the points that establish the spiritual significance of Arunachala:

The Puranas say that the primal gods Brahma and Vishnu had their ego sense destroyed by Shiva in this place.

The Upanishads claim that the five elements were enlightened at this place and the eight guardian angels of the eight cardinal points(dikpalakas) were absolved of their original sins.

The Puranas further say that all sages converge to Arunachalafor consummation of their penance.

Parvathi, consort of Shiva, took over the left half of Shiva at this place

Since this Hill was the original lingam, the worship of Shiva originated from this place.

The formless Supreme Being first assumed form at this place.

All the major Hindu Festivals (Navaratri, Shivaratri,Aridhra) originated from this place.

There are about 96 shrines around the Hill.

There are more than 52 ancient texts on Arunachala.

In all major foreign languages, literature exists on Arunachala.

Annually, over a million devotees throng this place from allfive continents.

While on their first flight to the moon, the astronauts saw abrilliant glow emanating from this place during Karthigai Deepam festival.

Arunachala is considered to be the very embodiment of compassion and knowledge among saints, sages, and devotees.

Other Saivite holy places such as Kailas, Kasi and Chidambaram are said to be sacred because they are the abodes of Lord Shiva,whereas Arunachala is Lord Shiva himself.


The first record of the glory of Arunachala is in the Rig Veda, which is regarded as the most ancient scripture in the world. The greatness of Arunachala can perhaps best be summarized most authoritatively by these passages from another ancient Hindu scripture, the Skanda Purana:

There is no greater holy spot than Aruna,

There is no greater Lord than Arunachaleshwara

There is no greater penance than circumbulation of Arunachala

That is the holy place. Of all, Arunachala is the most sacred.

It is the heart of the world.Know it to be the secret and sacred Heart-centre of Shiva.


The legend

The Skanda Purana describes the following legend of the origin of the Holy Hill as Lords Brahma and Vishnu becoming egoistic, and,forgetting their true source, claiming supremacy over the other.


Lord Shiva decided to settle the matter. He created an endless column of light and challenged them both to find the top or bottom of it. Lord Vishnu took the form of a boar and dug down to find the bottom, Lord Brahma took the form of a swan and flew up to find the top. Lord Vishnu failed in his search and returned. But Lord Brahma, encountering a screw pine flower floating down, arranged for the flower to bear false witness that he had seen the top. Lord Shiva declared him a liar and pronounced that there would hence forth never be a temple for Lord Brahma (which is true to this day). He also forbade the use of the screw pine flower in his worship (which also remains true). Lord Shiva’s column of light is represented by the flame at the top of Arunachala during Karthagai Deepam.


Because the world was being scorched by the blazing effulgence of the divine form of Shiva, Brahma and Vishnu prayed to Him to abide in a less brilliant form. Entreated by Brahma and Vishnu thus, Lord Shiva manifested as Arunachala the Holy Hill for the welfare of the world. For the purpose of ritualistic worship, He manifested as the deity Arunachaleshwara in the form of a lingam in the sanctum sanctorum of the Arunachaleshwara Temple,on the eastern side of the Holy Hill.


Shiva declaring:“As the moon derives its light from the sun, so other holy places shall derive their sanctity from Arunachala. This is the only place where I have taken this form for the benefit of those who wish to worship me and obtain illumination. Arunachala is OM itself. I will appear on the summit of this hill every year at Kartigai in the form of a peace-giving beacon.” This refers not only to the sanctity of Arunachala itself but also to the pre-eminence of the doctrine of Advaita and the path of Self-enquiry of which Arunachala is the center. One can understand this meaning in Sri Bhagavan’s saying, “In the end everyone must come to Arunachala.”


This effulgent lingam in the form of a Hill was then worshipped by the 96 Brahmas (creators of the world). The implication is that 96 dissolutions or pralayas (dissolutions of the world) have taken place. This coincides with the geological finding by the Geological Survey of India of the core age of Arunachala as 3.8 billion years old, qualifying it as one of the oldest rock formations on earth and reinforcing the ancient tradition that holds the Hill to be sacred. Hence, the Holy Hill of Arunachala is the oldest natural shrine in the world.


Aruanchala’s appearance reflects the age, as defined by the concept of yugas in Hindu cosmology. The Arunachala Puranas say that in Satya Yuga, the Hill was a column of light. In Krita Yuga, the Hill was made of Fire,hence it became the Fire Mountain (“Aruna” means fire). In Tretha Yuga, it was a Mountain of precious gems. In Dvapara Yuga, it was a bronze mountain, and now in Kali Yuga it has become a stone hill.


Ramana Maharshi was quite certain about the existence of acorresponding holy hill exactly on the side opposite Arunachala, on the other side of the globe. As indicated by Sri Ramana, there is indeed a sacred mountain at the other end of the axis in Peru. The Inca Indians worshipped this mountain and established a very sacred spiritual city there called Machu Picchu. It has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1983. While it may not be geographically exactly opposite Arunachala, it is worth adding that such expectation would be unreasonable, since the earth is not a precise sphere.


About Giripradakshina

Pradakshina is an ancient worship practice in Hinduism, where one walks clockwise in reverence around a sacred place or object (temple,shrine, statue of a deity, etc.). One can also turn one’s body around while standing in one place in front of the place or object. Giripradakshina or Girivalam (in Tamil) refers to walking around Arunachala in such manner(approximately 9 miles/14 kilometres). The scriptures assure us that it is actually Lord Shiva Himself, manifesting as this Hill, that one walks around when one does Giripradakshina.


Popular legend says that that the act of doing Giripradakshina assures both material and spiritual boons. Maximum spiritual benefit dictates that one should go around Arunachala with a heart filled with devotion and thought entirely focused on Arunachala (i.e., Lord Shiva). Doing so is said to assure consummation of the all-consuming desire of seekers to realize one’s innermost being and true Self and attain Liberation from endless suffering in the world and the cycle of birth and death.


Such is the popularity of Giripradakshina that at any time of the day or night, it is very likely that at least one person will be doing it.There are a number of devotees who make their schedule of Girpradakshina aregular habit, such as daily or weekly on particular days. Some do it on a regular cycle of forty-eight consecutive days. Lakhs (hundreds of thousands) of pilgrims do it during every full moon and festival days. The most auspicious time for Giripradakshina is on the night of the Karthigai Deepam full moonnight in November or December, when a fire is lit on the summit, and over amillion people converge on Tiruvannamali for this spectacle.


Another very auspicious night to perform Girivalam is Maha Shivarathri (the Great Night of Shiva), which falls between February and March.In legend, it is said that it is the night Lord Shiva assumed the form of the Holy Hill of Arunachala.


On very rare occasions, you may see devotees rolling their bodies on the road around Arunachala instead of walking around it. This is called Anga Pradakshina.


The Giripradakshina circuit is traditionally started from the big Arunachaleshwara Temple in town. The devotees of Ramana Maharshi usually start from Sri Ramanasramam. You can start Giripradakshina from any other place, as long as you end at the same place. There are signs along the way that mark the distance covered on the circuit; this distance is taken from Arunachaleshwara Temple. Giripradakshina can be started at any time of day or night. Usually it is started in the early morning or in the evening to avoid the hot sun.


Sages advise devotees to either maintain silence or sing hymns during Giripradakshina. One should also bow to the Hill from each of the eight cardinal directions as represented by the eight Ashta Lingams.

Importance of Giripradakshina

The following lines convey the Importance of Giripradakshina:

The sins committed by the mind are destroyed by the first step (of Pradaksina), the sins committed in speech by the second and the sins perpetrated by the body by the third step(Skanda Purana Ch.9 v.28)

Pradakshina is ‘All is within me.’ The true significance of the act of going round Arunachala is said to be as effective as circuit round the world. That means that the whole world is condensed into this Hill. (Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi, Talk 212).


Lord Siva says: Though in fact fiery, my lack-lustre appearance as a hill on this spot is an act of grace for the maintenance of the world. I also abide here as the Siddha. Within me there are many glorious caves filled with all kinds of enjoyments. Know this. Action naturally binds the entire world. One’s refuge (from such bondage)is this glorious Arunachala by seeing which one becomes itself. What cannot be acquired without great pains – the true import of Vedanta (viz. Self-realization)– can be attained by any one who looks at (this hill) from where it is visibleor even mentally thinks of it from a far. I, the Lord, ordain that those who reside within a radius of three yojanas of this place (Arunachala) shall attain union (with the Supreme) which removes bondage even in the absence of initiation.”


Specific beliefts of Giriprakakshina

Barren couples will be blessed with offspring if they go around the Hill with devotion in their heart.

It is especially sacred to go round the mountain in the Tamil months of Ippasi, Karthigai, And Margazhi.

On the following days it is especially holy to go around the Hill: the first day of Chitirai; Shivaratri Day in the month of Masi; monthly Karigai days; and on Full Moon Days.

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