张海生博士讲佛医 | 使用正念禪修使你的免疫力提高





我们身体的免疫系统是我们身体健康和防御系统最重要的中心之一。它精确设计用於区分有害的有害病原体和健康的细胞和组织(范,唐等,2010 年) 它是如此明智,免疫力甚至被称為我们的"浮动的大脑"。它可以通过漂浮在我们的体内的化学资讯与大脑交流。这意味著,如果我们的免疫系统被削弱,也许是由於压力巨大,使得全身系统不会像往常一样运作。



南加州预防医学大学预防医学系教授David S. Black发现初步证据表明,正念禪修调节了20个RCT和1600多名参与者的一些选择免疫参数。具体来说,正念禪修似乎与减少亲炎过程、增加防御参数和酶活性有关,防止细胞老化(黑色和Slavich 2016)    在回顾这项研究时,Pro费索尔·布莱克发现正念禪修:


增加CD-4 细胞的数量,这是免疫系统的帮手细胞,可能涉及向其他细胞提交资讯,告诉他们要摧毁感染

衰老和端粒酶细胞活动:正念禪修 有助於促进染色体的稳定性,防止染色体恶化,从而导致癌症和过早衰老





ANS 是控制我们内部器官并调节身体功能(如消化、血流和瞳孔扩张)的神经系统。中枢神经系统通过制定抗炎激素级联来调节与生俱来的免疫系统,以响应细菌產品和免疫介质。眾所周知,中枢神经系统(CNS)调节战斗或飞行反应。例如,看到充电狮子会刺激肾上腺反应,增加心臟输出,调动能量供应,并支援生存所需的其他保护机制。最近的证据支援了 CNS 在调节对微生物入侵的反应(特雷西、丘拉等人 2001年)方面所起的作用的可比范例。



威斯康星大学麦迪森分校的著名教授理查·戴维森也调查了正念禪修能否改变免疫系统。在他的研究中,人们要麼是接受正念训练的群体的一部分,要麼是对照组的一部分。八周后,正念组表现出更出色的抗体来应对和预防潜在的疾病,它表明正念可以改善免疫功能。(大卫森,卡巴特津等人 2003年 )



3.启动第二大脑:正念可以通过肠道微生物群提高免疫力,而肠道微生物群是免疫系统发育和维持的关键角色。研究表明,压力会提示我们的微生物平衡,使我们面临生物失调的风险,保护我们 免受 传染病的侵害 正念禪修通过帮助维持健康的肠道微生物群多样性来影响我们的免疫系统,而这种多样性常常被压力所困扰。



Our body's immune system is one of the most important centers of our physical wellness and our defense system. It is precisely designed to distinguish between harmful unwanted pathogens and healthy cells and tissue(Fan, Tang, et al., 2010). It is so wise that the immunity has even been called to our "floating brain." It can communicate with the brain through chemical messages that float around inside our bodies. That means that if our immune system is weakened, perhaps due to stress or anxiety, the whole-body system won't operate as usual.

1.Mindfulness Meditation improves the immune system

David S. Black, professor at the Department of the Preventive Medicine University of Southern California, found initial evidence that mindfulness Meditation modulates some select immune parameters across 20 RCTs and more than 1600 participants. Specifically, Mindfulness Meditation appears to be related with reductions in pro-inflammatory processes, increasing defense parameters, and enzyme activity that guards against cell aging(Black and Slavich 2016). In reviewing the research, Professor Black found that mindfulness Meditation

 can reduce markers of inflammation.

Increasing the number of CD-4 cells, which are the immune system's helper cells, could involve submitting messages to other cells telling them to destroy infections.

Aging and telomerase cell activity: Mindfulness Meditation help promote the stability of chromosomes and prevent their deterioration, which leads to cancer and premature aging.

 These results are promising and potentially pave the way for using mindfulness-based techniques to boost the immune system, enhancing our defense against Covid-19 infection and disease.

The additional study suggested that the mindfulness Meditation treatment effects on CD4+ T lymphocytes are independent of ARV treatment status. These data showed the possibility that mindfulness Meditation training may directly affect CD4+ T lymphocyte distributions (e.g., via effects on hematopoiesis, T-cell redistribution dynamics, or T-cell turnover in    lymphoid tissues) (Creswell, Myers, et al. 2009). These results indicate that Mindfulness Meditation produces a change in the basal immune system and more significant acute effects as the dose of training increases(Fan, Tang, et al., 2010).

2. Train Your Brain and Mind

The ANS is the neuro system that controls our internal organs and regulates body functions like digestion, blood flow, and pupil dilation. The central nervous system regulates the innate immune system by elaborating anti-inflammatory hormone cascades in response to bacterial products and immune mediators. It is widely known that the central nervous system (CNS) modulates the fight-or-flight response. For example, the sight of a charging lion stimulates adrenergic responses that increase cardiac output, mobilize energy supplies, and support other protective mechanisms necessary for survival. Recent evidence supports a comparable paradigm for the role of the CNS in modulating the response to microbial invasion(Tracey, Czura, et al. 2001).

3. Possible Mechanisms of Increased Immunity

Richard Davidson, an esteemed professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, also investigated whether Mindfulness Meditation could alter the immune system. In his research, people were either part of a group receiving mindfulness training or a control group. After eight weeks, the mindfulness group showed more excellent antibodies to respond to and prevent potential illness. It's trying to get carried away by the research implications suggesting that mindfulness can help improve immune functioning.  (Davidson, Kabat-Zinn et al. 2003).

4.Decreased Stress: Research has confirmed that our mind impacts the immune system via chemical messages from the brain. So negative thinking styles and certain emotional states can hurt our immune system. But practice is helpful in decreased stress, decreased rumination, and increased ability to deal with difficult emotions. 

5.Targeted Brain/Immune System Connection: More specifically, research indicates that mindfulness meditation increases activity in the prefrontal cortex and the brain, which act as our immune system's center. When our brains are stimulated through mindfulness, the immune system functions are more effective .

6.Activate the Second Brain: Mindfulness can boost immunity via the gut microbiota, which are critical players in developing and maintaining the immune system. 

Researches have shown that stress tips our microbial balance, putting us at risk for dysbiosis, protecting us from one of our crucial defenses against infectious disease. Mindfulness Meditation impacts our immune system by helping to maintain healthy gut microbiota diversity that is often upset by stress.

No matter the exact mechanisms of Mindfulness Meditation, there is a lot of evidence that practicing mindfulness meditation can help boost our defense against disease and fosters wellness. We want to promote the addition of a new wellness adage: "Mindfulness Meditation each day keeps the doctor away."








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