“L'affilatura affila la lama della preziosa spada; l'inverno rigido fa risaltare la fragranza dei fiori di prugna ". Anche il Buddha Shakyamuni dovette attraversare sei anni di pratica ascetica dopo la sua discesa in questo mondo. Mentre pratichiamo e impariamo attraverso la ricerca delle tracce lasciate dai saggi e dagli uomini di virtù, dobbiamo sostenere lo spirito dei fiori di prugna, non cedere al rigido in
——Maestro san can
“Honing sharpens the blade of the precious sword; harsh winter brings out the fragrance of the plum blossoms.” Shakyamuni Buddha too, had to go through six years of ascetic practice following his descent unto this world. As we practice and learn through the pursuit of tracks left behind by the sages and men of virtues, we must uphold the spirit of the plum blossoms, not yielding to the harsh winter, to go through the mill and yet blossom with exuberance. This is the true “Namo.”
—— San Can Master
“宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来”,释迦牟尼佛来到人间还要示现六年苦行,我们追寻圣贤的足迹修行、学习,也要秉持梅花精神,历尽苦寒而誓不低头,饱经风霜而盎然绽放,这才叫真正的“南无” 。
Bouddha est la perfection des bénédictions, et lorsque vous chantez le nom de la perfection, vous chantez votre propre nature de Bouddha de lumière infinie et de vie infinie.
En intégrant la cause de votre nature bouddhique au fruit de la nature bouddhique du Bouddha, vous pourrez finalement "entrer dans la salle de l'encens et de la lumière". Par conséquent, le chant de bouddha mène à la bouddhéité. Il n'y a pas de second fruit du chant. La récitation du Bouddha est la raison et la Bouddha est le fruit.
——le vénérable
Maître San Can
Das Verlangen nach Essen und Sex liegt in der Natur des Menschen.
Als Schüler Buddhas nimmt dieses Lebensdilemma, einen großen Teil des Fleißes ein.
Wenn wir Erfolg haben, werden wir uns aus dem Käfig der Begierden befreien.
Dann sind wir Sieger des Lebens, und werden vom Sterblichem zu Heiligen.
——San Can Meister
Jiangxia Zhou
Markus Zhou-Schneider
Markus Zhou-Schneider
Buda menciona en el Sutra Ksitigarbha que hay tres títulos para este sutra: el primero titulado "Los votos fundamentales de Ksitigarbha", que toca todos los grandes y vastos votos hechos por el Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha en el pasado; el segundo titulado como “Las prácticas fundamentales de Ksitigarbha”, tocando todos los actos practicados por el Bodhisattva a través de kalpas infinitos sobre el terreno fundamental; el tercero titulado como "El sutra de la fuerza de los votos fundamentales", ya que Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva acumula la fuerza de mayores recursos, bendiciones y virtudes a través de las prácticas, la fuerza para liberar a los seres sintientes se multiplica y es capaz de beneficiar a innumerables seres sintientes. Por tanto, la fuerza de este sutra no conoce límites.
—— Maestro San Can
지장경에서 부처님이 이 경전은 세 가지의 이름이 있다고 말씀하셨다. 한 이름은 ‘지장본원’ 이며 지장보살 옛전에 광대한 서원을 발한 것을 말한다. 또 한 이름은 ‘지장본행’이며 지장보살 무량 겁으로부터 본지에서 행했던 일을 말한다. 또 한 이름은 ‘지장본서력경’이며 행하는 중에 지장보살의 자량 및 복덕력이 많아지면서 중생을 제도하는 힘도 강해지고 무수의 중생을 이익되게 한다. 그래서 이 경전의 힘이 무변무제가 되리라.
It is mentioned by the Buddha in the Ksitigarbha Sutra that there are three titles to this sutra: the first titled as “The fundamental vows of Ksitigarbha”, touching on all the vast great vows made by Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva in the past; the second titled as “The fundamental practices of Ksitigarbha”, touching on all acts practiced by the Bodhisattva through infinite kalpas on the fundamental ground; the third titled as “The sutra of the strength of fundamental vows”, as Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva accumulates the strength of greater resources, blessings and virtues through the practices, the strength to liberate sentient beings multiplies, and is able to benefit countless sentient beings. Thus, the strength of this sutra knows no bound.
—— San Can Master
日本新潟県立大学 渡辺小百合