Seeking partner for Vape Lounge / Bar / Vegetarian Cafe
Jeff 是一位美籍华人,目前准备在北京的三里屯开一个兼素食、电子烟、酒吧为一体的休闲空间,欢迎您前来捧场。与此同时,他也在寻找合伙人,如果您有意愿加入我们,可以微信联系小小或者Jeff,微信号是:wenxiaoxiao3013、18701531409.
I just rented a commercial space in Sanlitun SOHO in which I plan to open a Vape Lounge / Bar / Vegetarian Cafe; and am seeking one or more partners to help develop and run the business. I believe in Lean Startup methodologies, so I'm starting small and experimenting with a few different concepts, with an eye towards scaling up if any of those concepts take off (e.g., I hold some strategic intellectual property that I would like to parlay into a nationwide chain of Vape Lounges). At very least this project should be fun!
About me: I am a US patent attorney, but work mostly on my own startups these days. In the past I've worked for a NASDAQ-listed nanotechnology venture capital firm in Silicon Valley and an international law firm here in Beijing, while also co-founding a restaurant chain in Shanghai (that now has franchises in a half-dozen countries). I have been a vegetarian for nearly 20 years, hate smoking and love partying.
About you: I am seeking partner(s) with substantial expertise in (and hopefully passion for) vaping, vegetarian food and/or alcohol. I am open to expat and/or Chinese partner(s). The project is adequately self-funded, so investment would be optional (i.e., most importantly I need manpower, expertise and social connections).
If you are interested, please add me on WeChat referencing this post (1 870 153 1409).